Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy (almost) Valentine's Day!
EMT Valentine Grams are here! Who's excited??

Dear SRG,

We've been thinking. How can we say thanks for that brilliant media plan? What about that late night the production team put in? Or maybe I just wanted to tell you I like your new haircut? What better way to show your appreciation to your fellow SRGers than by sending a heartfelt Valentine Gram? Especially since all proceeds will benefit The Children's Hospital Heart Institute.

So, all you need to do is head up to the front desk this week to fill out Valentine Grams for all your favorite SRGers (Cari, Shanley, and I will be accepting Valentine's all week...hint, hint).

Here's the scoop:
  1. Fill out your grams and drop them in the decorated box.
  2. Place $1 per Gram in the donation jar. (All proceeds benefit The Heart Institute at The Children's Hospital and of course, any additional donations are more than welcome.)
  3. Your Gram (plus some delicious treats) will be delivered to your Valentine on Friday afternoon.
We are sure there are plenty of SRGers you just adore, so let's show some SRG love and support TCH while we're at it!

Cari, Shanley and Maddie

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