Monday, February 1, 2010

Are you ready for some football?! Get ready for those Super Bowl parties with SRG's first ever Super Bowl Smackdown.

Rules and Regs:
  • Create a super bowl inspired appetizer that will server 12 people for tasting on Tuesday, February 2nd.
  • Inspired by you! (No raiding the super market grocery shelves and then just tossing the pre-made dip on the table.)
  • Judging will take place by SRG employees from 4-5 pm (please bring your appetizers to the cafe at 3:30 pm to set up).
Prizes will be awarded for:
  1. Best Overall
  2. Best team spirit
  3. Best presentation
  4. Most indulgent
  5. Best take on an old favorite
Please see Jill, Jena or Laurel with any questions that you have.

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