Tuesday, June 12, 2012

February 2012 EMT Agenda

Good afternoon EMTers,

Thank you so much for taking the time to attend today’s EMT meeting. If you didn’t get a chance to join here is a quick recap of the discussion:

In general, Abby, Nicole and I presented our proposed EMT restructure to the group in hopes of gaining EMT member support. The goal of the restructure is to reinvigorate EMT as a whole by increasing participation and leadership amongst different groups within SRG, adding benefit to being an EMT member and increasing the breadth of event types. Therefore, we propose:

·         Program rename/rebrand – this will give us the opportunity to create a fresh face for ourselves. Have a suggestion? Add it to the document saved here:

·         Monthly meetings – will now be scheduled in advance for a set time each month (for example first Thursday of every month at 11:00am); snacks/beverages will be provided to encourage and reward attendance

·         Three types of events

1.       Perks – similar to EMT events of old; roughly one per month; requires EMT volunteer(s) to manage; quick to execute but provides a benefit to everyone; examples include surprise cookies, espresso cart, etc.

2.       NEW: Open Events – these are events proposed by an SRG employee (both EMT members and non-members alike) then approved and funded by EMT. The person who proposed the event becomes the event lead and manages the execution.

-        Yoga is a perfect example of this type of program. Jenny came to us with an idea and proposed budget, we approved, and then Jenny has managed the execution.

-        Other events could include: bingo night, prom, whatever you want!

-        In case no one comes to the meeting with any suggestions we will revert to our calendar of potential events and be looking for volunteers as we have traditionally done for EMT events

-        See the below link for full explanation of logistical details

3.       NEW: Volunteer Opportunities – one opportunity per month to volunteer with other SRG employees

You can find the document that was presented during today’s meeting here:

Does this vibe with you? Do you have any suggestions or questions? If so, we want to hear. One great add was a “suggestion box”. This can definitely be implemented.

Since everyone seemed to be on-board so far, next steps include:

1.       Monthly Meeting

·         EMT leadership to setup reoccurring meeting

·         Have an event in mind?! Come prepared to discuss

2.       Communications

·          EMT leadership to present restructure to SRG at March All Hands (3/19)

Thanks again for your time and commitment. See ya soon.

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