Friday, April 1, 2011

April EMT Agenda

April 2011 EMT Agenda

March Successes!
  • St. Patty's Day Pancake Breakfast- Thank you Brianne, Jena, Besse, Laura, Amy, Liz, Whitney, Megan, Cammy, Sarah and Jill!
  • Bowling- Thank you Tara

April Events:

Mammoth Lacrosse Game
  • Date & Time: Friday, April 15th
  • Event Lead: Mickey
  • Budget: $195
  • 20 tickets available, includes hot dog and beer/soft drink

Surprise Cookies
  • Date & Time:
  • Event Leads:
  • Budget: $75
Sipping and Painting
  • Date & Time:
  • Event Leads:
  • Budget: $500
  • Senior Sponsor: Susan Peck

Puzzle Night/Week
  • Date & Time: Week of April 11th
  • Event Lead: Tara and Shawna
  • Budget: $50
A Billion Acts of Green- Earth Day 2011
  • Ideas: Boulder Earth Day Hike, raise $ to donate, plant an herb garden at SRG (in pots in booth room), etc.
  • Date: April 22nd
  • Event Leads:
  • Budget: ??
New Events??

Other Announcements: Looking for a new co-President! Volunteers please email Tara and Nicole.

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