Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2011 EMT Agenda

November Successes!
  • Ignite Boulder- Thank you Kate! Note: If you request a ticket, it is VERY important that you attend.
  • Surprise Espresso Cart- Thank you Nicole M.!
  • Turkey Hands- Thank you Clare, Michelle T., Lauren!
  • Festival of Trees- Thank you Michelle H., Tara, Kelly, Jena!
  • The Community Foundation's Culture of Giving campaign- Thank you Megan and everyone else who volunteered.

December Events:

Bake Sale

  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: TBD
  • Budget: $0


Festival of Trees

  • Trees on display November 19-December 18
  • Raffle closes December 16 at 4PM- Buy your Raffle Tickets! $5/ticket

Family to Family

  • Date & Time: Friday, December 9
  • Need Volunteers to help organize/deliver gifts!

2012 Planning

  • Any recommendations for new events?

Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November EMT Agenda

October Successes!
  • Orchard Tour/Pumpkin Patch- Thank you Megan W.
  • Halloween Party! Thank you Cari, Kate Y., Lauren, Tracy and everyone else that helped out!
  • Secret Spooks- Thank you Kelly, Shanley and Clare
November Events:

Ignite Boulder
  • Date & Time: November 30th
  • Event Lead: TBD
  • Budget: $150
  • Other: Tickets go on sale around November 4th for $10
Surprise Espresso Cart
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: TBD
  • Budget: $282 after gratuity
Turkey Hands
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: TBD
  • Budget: $100
Festival of Trees
  • Date & Time: Trees on display starting November 19-December 18
  • Event Lead: TBD
  • Budget: $80
  • Other: Raffle closes December 16 at 4PM
  • Location of Tree?
Other Volunteer Opportunities: The Community Foundation's Culture of Giving campaign
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, November 29 from 5-8pm (with deliveries any day that same week)
  • Event Lead: Megan W.
  • Budget: n/a
  • Other: 20+ volunteers

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 2011 Agenda

September Successes!
  • Surprise Event with Oak- Thank you Jenny, Sarah and Tracy
  • Pancake Breakfast - Thank you Tracy, Amy, Sarah, Alyssa, Kelly, Lindsey, Kayley, Lauren, Clare, Besse, Abby and Tara
  • Yoga- Thank you Mickey (and Peter!)
  • Kangoo Jump Class - Thank you Shanley, Kayley and Kelly

October Events:

Orchard/Pumpkin Patch
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: TBD
  • Budget: $150
  • Last year was at Rock Creek Farms in Broomfield!
Halloween Party
  • Date & Time: Monday, October 31
  • Event Lead:
  • Budget: $500
Secret Spooks
  • Date & Time: Monday, October 24-October 31
  • Event Leads: TBD
  • Budget: $200

Thank you!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September EMT Agenda

August Successes:
  • Summer Picnic: Thank you Diana and other helpful volunteers!
September Events:

1. Boulder Ignite: postponed to November

2. Surprise Event with Oak
  • Date & Time: Thursday, September 8 @ 4:00 pm
  • Event Leads: Jenny, Sarah, Tracy
  • Budget: $400
3. Kangoo Jump Class
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Leads: Kayley, Kelly and Shanley
  • Budget: $50 for gift card for Wendy McClure
4. Yoga
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Leads: TBD
  • Budget: $60
5. Pancake Breakfast
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Leads: TBD
  • Budget: $200

Please give all receipts to Abby. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August EMT Agenda

July Successes!

  • Surprise Ice Cream- Thank you Michelle Havemann, Megan W. and Clare
  • Movie Night- Thank you Liz
  • Omelet Bar- Thank you Abby and Jena
  • First Friday BBQ- Thank you everyone who pitched in!

August Events:

1. Summer Picnic
  • Date & Time: Saturday, August 27
  • Event Lead: Diana (Lexi helping with signage)
  • Budget: $6,000
  • Help?
2. Kangoo Jump Class
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: Volunteers??
  • Budget: $50 for gift card for Wendy McClure
3. Surprise Something Day
  • Ideas?
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: Volunteers??
  • Budget: $300

September Events- Upcoming!

1. Boulder Ignite
  • Date & Time: Thursday, September 1
  • Event Leads: Volunteers??
  • Budget: $150
Thank you!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July EMT Agenda

June Successes!
  • Etsy Craft Day- Thank you Olivia and Shanley!
  • Rockies Game- Thank you Kayley and Nicole
  • Beer Tasting- Thank you Jenny, Rebecca and Jessica
July Events

1. Surprise Ice Cream
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Leads: ??
  • Budget: $125
2. Movie Night
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Leads: ??
  • Budget: $150
3. Belgium Waffle and Omelet Bar
  • Date & Time: TBD (proposed time 8:30-11:30 am)
  • Event Leads: ??
  • Budget $375 (cost = $225 first hour + $75 each additional hour)
  • Other: See Lindsey for contact information
Please give all receipts to Abby.

Happy Summer!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June EMT Agenda

May Successes!
  • Cinco de Mayo Fiesta- Thank you Kelli, Brianne, Kayley and Abby
  • Puzzle Night- Thank you Tara and Shawna
  • Espresso Cart- Thank you Lindsey
  • Bolder Boulder- Thank you Christie

June Events:

Esty Craft Day
  • Date & Time: Friday, June 10
  • Event Lead: Shanley, Olivia
  • Budget: $50

Rockies Game
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: ?!?!
  • Budget: $250

Beer Tasting
  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Lead: ?!?!
  • Budget: $300
Please give all receipts to Abby. Thanks!

New Events??

Monday, May 2, 2011

May EMT Agenda

April Successes:
  • Mammoth Lacrosse Game- Thank you Mickey
  • Surprise Cookies- Thank you Rebecca, Lindsey and Alyssa
  • POSH Painting- Thank you Rebecca
  • A Billion Acts of Green Earth Day Event- Thank you Megan, Tara and Alyssa
May Events:

Cinco de Mayo

  • Date & Time: Thursday, May 5th
  • Event Leads: Kelli, Brianne, Kayley and Abby
  • Budget: $300
Puzzle Night
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, May 11 @ 5:00 pm
  • Event Lead: Tara
  • Budget: $50
  • Boulder vs. Denver competition
Espresso Cart
  • Date & Time: ??
  • Event Lead:
  • Budget: $282 (after gratuity)
Bolder Boulder
  • Date & Time: Monday, May 30th
  • Event Lead: Christie
  • Budget: $250

Please give all receipts to Abby.


Friday, April 1, 2011

April EMT Agenda

April 2011 EMT Agenda

March Successes!
  • St. Patty's Day Pancake Breakfast- Thank you Brianne, Jena, Besse, Laura, Amy, Liz, Whitney, Megan, Cammy, Sarah and Jill!
  • Bowling- Thank you Tara

April Events:

Mammoth Lacrosse Game
  • Date & Time: Friday, April 15th
  • Event Lead: Mickey
  • Budget: $195
  • 20 tickets available, includes hot dog and beer/soft drink

Surprise Cookies
  • Date & Time:
  • Event Leads:
  • Budget: $75
Sipping and Painting
  • Date & Time:
  • Event Leads:
  • Budget: $500
  • Senior Sponsor: Susan Peck

Puzzle Night/Week
  • Date & Time: Week of April 11th
  • Event Lead: Tara and Shawna
  • Budget: $50
A Billion Acts of Green- Earth Day 2011
  • Ideas: Boulder Earth Day Hike, raise $ to donate, plant an herb garden at SRG (in pots in booth room), etc.
  • Date: April 22nd
  • Event Leads:
  • Budget: ??
New Events??

Other Announcements: Looking for a new co-President! Volunteers please email Tara and Nicole.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 2011 EMTAgenda

February Successes!
  • Valentine Grams - thanks Kelly I. and Shanley
  • Espresso Cart - thanks Kelli, as usual :)
  • Progressive Party - thanks Kelli, Abby, Michelle, Amy and Tracy!
March Events:

St. Patty's Day Pancake Breakfast
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 17th
  • Event Leads: ??
  • Budget: $200
  • Senior Sponsor: Tim was good last year...
  • Notes: check w/ Tracy about leftover supplies, ask Laura Slavec to bring griddle, SRG has 2 griddles but only 1 cord...

  • Date & Time: late March?
  • Event Leads:??
  • Budget: $325
  • Senior Sponsor: Jay Waddell was good last year
  • Notes: went to Fat Catz in Westminster, had teams, Nicole C. won...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 2011 EMT Agenda

January Successes!

  • We took a much needed break this past month!
  • Super Bowl Chip-and-Dip Competition
    • TODAY! Hopefully everyone has brought their favorite dips for the competition this afternoon. See you there!

February Events:

Mammoth LAX Game

  • Date & Time: Friday, April 15th
  • Event Leads: Mickey, Cammy
  • Budget: $250
  • Senior Sponsor: TBD
  • Notes: 20 tickets purchased!

Valentines Grams!

  • Date & Time: w/o 2/7?, Monday, February 14th
  • Event Leads: Shanley, Kelly I.
  • Budget:$250
  • Senior Sponsor: TBD
  • Notes: We have budgeted to order mini cupcakes from Tea & Cakes to distribute to everyone. Put up table at All Hands on Deck Monday AM to get last minute grams/donations?

Espresso Cart

  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Leads: Kelli N.
  • Budget: $250
  • Senior Sponsor: TBD
  • Notes: No tip jar this time?

Progressive Party (2nd, 3rd, 4th floor)

  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Event Leads: Abby, Kelli N., Tracy, Amy, Michelle
  • Budget: $500
  • Senior Sponsor: TBD
New News: Alyssa and Rebecca for volunteering to be the new historians!

Misc. Notes

  • Please give copies of your receipts to Abby.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 2011 EMT Agenda

2010 Successes!
  • EMT membership is at its' highest- approximately 18 new members last year!
  • Record number of events- 28 EMT events throughout the year!
  • Finished the year under budget, despite large growth of company!
Looking forward to a great 2011!
  • Leadership changes- Kira leaving :(
  • Nicole and Tara will continue to co-lead
  • Looking for a new position: Treasurer!
  • First ever EMT budget increase (from $8,750 to $13,125)
  • About 28 events planned for 2011, but we need your help!
January Events:

Super Bowl Dip Duo
  • Date & Time: w/o 1/31
  • Event Leads: ??
  • Budget: ??
  • Senior Sponsor: ??
Mammoth LAX Game
  • Date & Time: ??
  • Event Leads: ??
  • Budget: ??
  • Senior Sponsor: ??
  • Notes: Nicole has sales rep contact info
Misc. Notes
  • Please give copies of your receipts to the new treasurer (treasurer TBD).