Monday, December 6, 2010

December EMT Agenda

November Successes:

Kangoo Jump Class
  • Thank you Shanley!
Nuggets Game
  • Thank you Kira!
Turkey Hands
  • Thank you Christie, Faye & Jocelyn!
December Events:

Ignite Boulder
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, December 8th @ Boulder Theater
  • Event Lead: Nicole
  • Budget: $150 (tickets for 15 people)
  • Notes: All tickets full, waitlist of 3
Family to Family
  • Date & Time: All gifts to be returned to SRG (wrapped and labeled) by Thursday, December 9th
  • Event Leads: Laurel, Abby, Alyssa, Besse
  • Budget: n/a (SRG donating $1,000)
Festival of Trees
  • Date & Time: Saturday, December 11th, 5-8pm @ Stadium Club
  • Event Leads: Kate Young, Tara, Brianne, Kelly Ives, Michelle Havemann
  • Budget: $100
  • Senior Sponsor: Joan
Holiday Bake Sale
  • Date & Time: ??
  • Event Leads: ??
  • Budget: n/a
  • Senior Sponsor: ??
  • Charity to Sponsor: ?? (Community Food Share?)
Misc. Notes
  • Don't forget to give copies of your receipts to Nicole!
Happy Holidays!

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