Tuesday, March 30, 2010

EMT April 2010 Meeting Agenda

Happy April Fools Day and Welcome New Members!

March Success:
  • St. Patty's Day Pancake Breakfast- excellent turn-out and enthusiasm (thanks to Senior Sponsor, Tim!)
April Events:

Share Our Strength's Great American Bakesale- Kate McQuail
  • Date & Time: April 17th 10:00 AM (Setup to begin at 9:00)
  • Location: Boulder Public Library
  • Volunteers to bake and work at the table?
  • Please contact Kate McQuail if you would like to help out; please bring any treats to SRG on Friday, April 16th if you cannot make it to setup on Saturday!
Bowling Night:
  • Date & Time: Thursday, April 15th
  • Event Leads: Kira, Sarah
  • Senior Sponsor: TBD (Jay?)
  • Budget: $225
  • Location: Fats Cats (Formally known as Splitz); 6-8PM unlimited bowling
  • Round up a team of 2 or more for a little competitive bowling, pizza, crazy bread and beer! Sign-up at the front desk today!
Mammoth LAX Game:
  • Date & Time: Friday, April 23rd at 7:00 PM
  • Event Leads: Kira, Whitney, Tara
  • Senior Sponsor: TBD (Al?)
  • Budget: $200
Misc. Notes:
  • Don't forget about the EMT Survey and a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to Big Red F Group (includes Jax, West End Tavern, Zolo, Centro, Happy Noodle House and Lola).
  • Give all receipts to Nicole :)

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