Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 2012 EMT Agenda

Hi All,

Thanks for attending the EMT meeting this morning! 


We had two great events this month; SRG Brew at First Friday Lunch and Handle Bar. Thanks again to everyone who helped make those events possible, they were awesome.

We have two more events to wrap up October with:
-Secret Spooks (Shanley, Nicole)
-Halloween Party (Kayley, Kelli, Jocelyn)

November is just around the corner and full of events:
-Movember (Tyson, Bret, Mickey, Natalie, MoSista!)
-Espresso Cart (Kelli)
-Turkey Hands (Kayley)

December is fast approaching, which means SRG Holiday Party! I will be sending out a separate email to the Holiday Party team.

Thanks again to everyone who attended today's meeting!

September 2012 EMT Agenda

Good afternoon, EMTers,

Thanks for attending today’s monthly meeting.

Here is a recap of the discussion:

Event Updates
·         Thanks to:
o   Megan for organizing the Patio Happy Hour
o   Miguel, Bryce and Abby for a badass brewing event
o   Diana and team for setting up the super-fun SRG Summer Picnic
o   IT team and supporters for cookin’ us up an awesome IT BBQ
·        August Events
·         SRG Brew
-  Team is planning to serve OOO Ale at September First Friday Lunch but this could change based on Friday’s Kickball Tournament; more details to come
·         Group Lunch
-  Event lead: Jenny Luu
-  Budget: TBD; Jenny to provide estimate but we’re looking at $500-$600
-  Date: TBD
·         My Handle Bar
-  Event leads: Michelle and Alyssa
-  Budget: TBD; Michelle to look into costs
-  Date: TBD

EMT Leadership Opportunity
EMT is looking for a new co-president. It is our intention that EMT maintains a revolving leadership team so that we can bring about new ideas, a fresh perspective and ultimately give others a chance to lead our delightful group. We are looking for someone else to run EMT with Nicole M and our treasurer, Abby. Please email Nicole M, Abby, or Alyssa with any questions. Mickey and/or Michelle…let me know. J