Wednesday, May 19, 2010

EMT Bake Sale 5/27

It's time for another EMT Bake Sale! This time, all the proceeds will go to the Community Food Share

EMT Bake Sale to benefit Community Food Share
Thursday, May 27th from 9 am- 2 pm
SRG Lobby

Please contact Kristyn Mendel or Jessica McNierney if you would be willing to donate a baked treat for the bake sale. Cookies, breads, muffins, cupcakes, Rice Krispy Treats, brownies, healthier options... They sky is the limit and it's for a good cause, so get excited!

Also, there will be a silent auction for the Cake-of-the-Day, generously provided by our in-house baking pro, Inke, Yum! The winner will be announced at 2:30 pm, so please place your bids before then.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

EMT Cinco de Mayo Fiesta

Don't forget the annual EMT Cinco de Mayo Party (5/5) at 4:30 PM!

Please joun us in the cafe for food, beer and good time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May EMT Agenda

April Successes:

Share our Strength Great American Bakesale- Kate McQuail
  • Kate raised $625.57, that is enough to feed 2,325 healthy meals to children living in poverty!
Bowling Night:
  • Thank you Kira and Sarah for organizing
  • 17 SRGers participated, team were a great idea!
Mammoth LAX Game:
  • Thank you Kira and Whitney!
May Events:

Cinco de Mayo
  • Date & Time: May 5th, 4:30 PM (Set up to start at 4PM)
  • Event Leads: Cody, Whitney, Brianne, Tara, Jena
  • Senior Sponsor: Brad
  • Budget: $200.00
Farmer's Market Cooking Class
  • Date & Time: May 20th, 12-1 PM
  • Event Leads: SRG-Culinary Event (Arlynn, Kazia, Cathryn)
  • Budget: $150.00
  • Additional Help?!
Misc. Notes:
  • Give all receipts to Nicole